Medical Services

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    Diagnostic Services

    During your pet’s office visit, you can be assured that your furry friend will receive a through nose-to-tail office visit. If you have any concerns about your pet’s health, we…

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    Internal Medicine

    We offer a host different services in regards to internal medicine. Internal medicine covers almost all veterinary services that are not surgical. Here are some of the branches and what…

  • Dental Care

    85% of dogs and 70% of cats over the age of three suffer from some form of dental disease. Dental disease, if not managed, can also affect other organs in…

  • Radiology (X-rays)

    When we need to figure out what’s wrong with your pet, we routinely use x-rays to help identify the cause of the problem, rule out possible problems, or provide a…

  • Flea Control

    A flea problem on your pet means a flea problem in your home. Understanding the flea life cycle and methods for its control can be a daunting task. We will…

  • Dermatology (Skin)

    Southern California is, unfortunately, a hot bed for chronic skin allergies. Pets that are affected will either chew or scratch their skin more frequently than what is expected for normal…

  • Cardiology (Heart)

    Although heart problems are found more often in older pets, these conditions can affect pets at any age. Heart disease is usually a life-threatening condition, but early diagnosis and appropriate…

  • Tonometry

    It is crucial for your pet’s vision that we detect and treat glaucoma and other problems with intraocular pressure (pressure within the eye) as quickly as possible. We can test…

  • Ultrasonography

    Ultrasonography (also called ultrasound or sonography) is a noninvasive, pain-free procedure that uses sound waves to examine a pet’s internal organs and other structures inside the body. It can be…

  • Medical Assessment

    To ensure a proper diagnosis, we often need to examine your pet. We begin a medical assessment by looking at your pet’s eyes, ears, and skin and checking his or…